Return, Cancellation & Refund Policy

Return, Cancellation and Refund Policy


You may return most new, and unopened items within 15 days of delivery. You are responsible for paying the return postage.

If you decide you no longer want the items you ordered you may return them if they are new, and unopened. You are responsible for paying the return postage. We will give a refund once the product has been received and inspected. If the product is returned in its original packaging and has no signs of wear and tear you will get a refund for the subtotal, minus the shipping cost and minus any fees already incurred.  If the product is received damaged or/and has wear or/and tear no refund will be issued.


Cancelling orders

If you change your mind on an order you placed you can request for it be cancelled. Please be advised that you will get a refund minus any fees incurred. Orders over $50 that are cancelled after 48hrs of purchase will also be charged a 10% restocking fee.

If you cancel your order after it has been shipped simply refuse the package at delivery and once we receive it we will issue a refund. Please be advised that you will get a refund minus any fees incurred. Orders over $50 that are cancelled after 48hrs of purchase will also be charged a 10% restocking fee.


Missing Item 

If we made an error in your order, please send us an email at and let us know the error. We will do our best to help correct the error. We must be notified within 15 days of delivery date. We will give you store credit for the missing item. 


Defective Item

If you received a defective item, please send us an email to and attach a picture of the defect. We will pay the shipping cost if the return is a result of a defect on the item. We must be notified within 15 days of delivery date. If we cannot replace it you will receive store credit.  


Undeliverable Orders

If your order was undeliverable and it needs to be re-shipped we charge a $3.00 shipping fee. 


All sales are final for clothing items and custom orders.

EclipseGrafx is not responsible for any duties, customs fees, or local taxes for all international shipments.


EclipseGrafx products are small and could be a choking hazard for children under 3 years of age. Please keep these products away from small children. By ordering from eclipsegrafx you accept responsibility for keeping these products away from any small children and any liability for failure to do so.

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods